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Price list for design modifications

If you purchase a design but want to modify it ( Please note that not every design can be resized - it depends on the design.) Here is the price list for modifying designs:
The cost depends on the complexity, because simple designs can be modified faster and easier, but more complex designs need to be reprogrammed and densities and often parts of the design need to be modified.
Price from $1-5
Color Change :
This is meant , if the design is a single color and the customer requests color insertion - the design must be reprogrammed and modified.
Price depending on the complexity of the modification.
Price from $1-5 
Adding a loop to a design or removing a loop from a design:
Removing text from a design or ornaments from a design:
Price again depending on complexity.
Price $1-3
Send your request to :, please indicate what format and an exact description of your request. Edited designs are sent within three days to your email. The invoice is sent via Paypal.