How to make Poinsettia Lights
Here's the first post "How To Make Poinsettia Lights"
It is very easy and I will try to show you the step by step procedure.
First, we need to show how we embroider all parts for this design.
So we start :-)
Prepare two layers of organza and one layer of WSS + hoop.
As the first step we put the organza on the hoop - two layers.
One layer of WSS is placed on the organza.
And all these three layers are fix in the hoop.
And we embroider the design.
After embroidering, we can very carefully remove excess organza and stabilizer.
We cut very close around the outline. (It is not necessary to cut the organza after drying.)
Variant 1
But I am using this method - I cut off the surplus stabilizer and organza - as you can see in the photo. (After drying it is necessary to cut the excess organza.)
Variant 2
After removing the stabilizer, use a towel to dry excess water. (Applies to both variants.
And let all parts drying on a level surface.
After the parts are dried up, the more complicated part comes - it's a rest for me :-) I cook good coffee or tea and I will cut an excess organza. We will prepare small sharp scissors and patience - if you have chosen my method - variant 2.
I like this part - it's for me relaxing with good coffee. :-)
Be very careful when cutting the organza - be careful not to cut the thread.
We have all the parts ready and we can start assembling "Poinsettia lights"
And we'll start.
We will need:
-glue gun
and LED lights - I used these lights. You can see the size of the lights in the picture.
Put the leaf on the light. You see I'll leave a small gap. Apply a drop of adhesive to the underside. Let the glue dry.
Now put a drop of glue on the top part - do you see where the arrow points in the picture?
And insert another part - part with name "poi1" Again, put a drop of adhesive at the point where the arrow points...
Add a part name "poi2" And again, put a drop of adhesive at the point where the arrow points...
Add a part name "poi3" And again, put a drop of adhesive at the point where the arrow points...
Finally, we add the center of the flower.
I used as a decoration the red and gold ribbon I stick to the bottom of the flower :-)
You see it is very easy. I really like these designs on the organza. As I said, it's a relaxation for me.
I hope you like this design and you can buy this design here.
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