Frequently asked questions
To buy at our store, you must have an account - which we must approve. If an account is not created - it is not possible to buy our designs.
I will confirm your account within 1 hour of submitting your request.
If your account is not approved within 1 hour, please be patient, you may be in another time zone. When I'm online, I'll approve your account. If the information in the registration is false or incomplete - the account will not be approved.
-If you have already purchased in our store, you do not have to create an account - your data is already in the system. Please contact me at my email: and we will send you an email asking you to activate your account.
I reserve the right to refuse to create an account, cancel an account or edit an account. Account closure occurs when false account information or unethical and rude customer behavior towards the seller is detected.
We are human and we treat each other with respect.
In no case will I respect insults to the nationality, country or culture of other countries.
I reserve the right to refuse to create or close your account if you are a member of illegal design sharing groups on FB or elsewhere on the Internet!
Download designs
How to download the purchased design :
After payment, your proposal will be sent to your email.
Login and logout of your account
Click three lines to sign in to your account at the bottom of the screen. You will also log out of your account in the same way.
In our shop you will pay via PayPal and payment by credit card via PayPal.
Payment can be by credit card, bank account or PayPal balance. You do not need a PayPal account to be able to use a credit card for payment. There is an option to pay via credit card when you see the first PayPal login screen. If using a credit card linked to a PayPal account, you will need to set this option in your Pay Pal settings prior to payment.
If you want to pay by credit card through Paypal, you have to have cookies turned on.
Without a proper cookie setting, card payment will not be accepted.
PLEASE note that Paypal eCHECK PAYMENTS are not instant payments! This method of payment requires a clearance period, and download links will not be released until the payment has cleared.
What formats do we create for you?
I create designs in the following formats:
DST, EXP, HUS, VIP, VP3, JEF, SHV, CSD, XXX, PES, EMB - In the description of each design you can find the formats.
Not all designs can be converted to those formats. I do not create ART format!
How are files protected?
- All files are scanned by three antivirus programs. The main antivirus program is ESET SECURITY - a globally recognized antivirus program.
- All files are scanned for viruses.
How are your designs delivered?
All of our designs are supplied in a ZIP file - multiformat folders.
How to unzip the ZIP file?
To unzip the ZIP file you need a program - we use WinZIP