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59 results
Basket FSL/bobbin lace/4x4 hoop
Carrot FSL / 4x4 hoop
Chicken FSL
Crazy Egg/ 4x4 hoop/ two variations
Decoration Egg / combination FSL and felt
Decoration Hen and eggs / combination lace and felt
Decoration rabbit 4x4 hoop
Decoration rabbit 6x10 hoop
Decoration with a touch of Provence - Lavender/ Eggs, heart and oval/ FSL/ 4x4 hoop/ 7 pieces
Decorations rabbit 5x7 hoop
Easter duck / 4x4 hoop
Easter Egg lace / 4x4 hoop
Easter eggs /combination felt and lace or FSL
Easter eggs FSL / 4x4 hoop
Easter eggs lace / 4x4 hoop
Easter eggs on organza / 4x4 hoop/ two color variations
Easter eggs/4x4 hoop/ three eggs
Easter gingerbreads /combination of felt and lace/ 8 pieces and two color variations/ 4x4 hoop
Easter rabbit FSL/ 4x4 hoop
Easter rabbit with flowers / 5x7 hoop
Easter set with flowers / 4x4 hoop
Egg bobbin lace No.1/FSL/4x4 hoop
Egg bobbin lace No.2/FSL/4x4 hoop
Egg bobbin lace No.3/FSL/4x4 hoop
Egg bobbin lace No.4/FSL/4x4 hoop
Egg bobbin lace No.5/FSL/4x4 hoop
Egg FSL No.1/bobbin lace/4x4 hoop
Egg FSL No.2/bobbin lace/4x4 hoop
Egg FSL No.3/bobbin lace/4x4 hoop
Egg No.1 - folklore motifs from Slovacko region/FSL+felt /4x4 hoop
Egg No.2 - folklore motifs from Slovacko region/FSL+felt /4x4 hoop
Egg No.3 - folklore motifs from Slovacko region/FSL+felt /4x4 hoop
Egg No.4 - folklore motifs from Slovacko region/FSL+felt /4x4 hoop
Egg No.5 - folklore motifs from Slovacko region/FSL+felt /4x4 hoop
Eggs with flowers / 4x4 hoop
FSL easter decorations / 4x4 hoop
59 results